the many streets of London
21st february 2012 for 40 days and 40 nights
the egg "from little acorns, mighty oaks do grow"
the design symbolises the proverbs meaning - great things may come from small beginnings. so from a simple idea, the huge impact the egg hunt will have, not only raising money to help endangered animals survive for future generations, it will also give those future generations the best start in life that they may not have necessarily had...
so before the egg even had time to make itself at home
on with the first coat of lovely bluey tealy wonderness! i'd just like to point out here that you should all be very proud as i didnt paint it black first! i know shocking right?! :)
head in the clouds
acorn positioning and outline
with a little growth
one acorn...
two acorn...
three acorn...
four... well you get the idea

i do have a paint palette somewhere?
secret to my "silky, soft" hands
tree beginnings
one tree...
side view...
two tree...
for all the info on The Big Egg Hunt click here
additional photography by saqib hussain
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