art review featured in The Metro (East & West Mids regional edition) in early 2008,
written by Wayne Burrows.
please click the above image to read full article. but here are a few quotes;
"atkinson brings a very personal spin to the imagery, adding a digital clarity to her dream-like spaces"
"each has remade Dante in their own image, and atkinson shows that this 700 year old poem is still able to adapt to new ideas and techniques today; its symbols and stories refusing to let go of our collective imagination."
about the author.....
Wayne Burrows’ first collection Marginalia appeared from Peterloo Poets in 2001, and his second, a chapbook containing the first section of a sequence based on Francis Quarles’ Emblems, appeared from Shoestring Press in July 2009.
His work has featured in the British Council anthologies New Writing 12 (Picador, 2004) and NW15 (Granta, 2007), the Forward anthology for 2002 and Said & Done: New Writing from Brittle Star (2011).
He also completed The Protein Songs, a sequence about genetics for use in Retina Dance Company’s Eleven Stories For The Body, Distance To Our Soul in 2006, and this ongoing sequence will form the core of a third collection.
He was writer in residence at Nottingham Contemporary in Spring 2011, and is currently working on new material for the visual artist Neville Gabie’s Orchard Project, due for completion in December 2011.
He took over the editorship of Staple magazine in 2008 and currently lives in Nottingham.
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