i got a call on monday 21st september asking if i could be on the plinth on thursday 24th september as someone had pulled out. ARGH! this had happened a few weeks before but i'd said no and immediately regretted it so i wouldn't be repeating my mistake. it was like fate to be called again! but still ARGH! how am i going to get there? what would i do? fuck it i'm doing it! YES! so mad panic and 3 days to prepare something worthy of being a part of history.......

i wore my wedding dress as i thought it was my special dress for that special day so why not for my special hour. so when i got up there i first set up my 'tree of love' which was kind of like a family tree but with everyone i love on it in photo form

i did have an envelope full of other photos i was meant to peg to the tree but in my nervousness i forgot so to the people who aren't on the tree you were up there with me!
then to put up my blog sign

then i wrote some words of wisdom and squiggled on bits of wallpaper to throw down to a lucky few.

to watch my hour please visit
hope you enjoy my contribution to the one and other project and please feel free to leave comments
here are a few more images of my time

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