so i finally got round to re-editing the making of video for the hornbill
"one for the rock, one for the crow, one to die and one to grow"
which will go on display in Edinburgh's Royal Botanical Gardens from 16th August 2011 and then released into the wild streets of Edinburgh from 6th September 2011. for more information and other important dates please click here if you watch all the images on the home page you may see a familiar aves :)
so here the making of the new shorter version with music and everything wow! hope you enjoy
so what else has been going on........ mmm
had a few features in the press relating to said bird as seen below. still trying to keep the momentum up and spreading the word for this great cuase so please feel free to do the same

so i have recently also started on a "self portrait". i'm guessing it wont be finished anytime soon, as im really putting my soul into this, so we'll see how it goes and will post updates when there's something to see as at the minute its pretty much a teal canvas (everyday i have the blues)
oh and if any of you lovelies are around in leicester on saturday (2nd july) come down to embrace arts for a wonderful all day event where you will find little old me click here for all the info
well ta ta for now specials...