hello there specials
i seem to have been neglecting my blog quite a bit of late. how very naughty of me, i do apologies! i have been busy, honest! see i've started a new painting and the mermaid hair is still here YAY!

so where to start i suppose with the most recent stuff right?
well i got some exciting news the other day i've been nominated for a LeicestHERday trust jubilee award, which celebrates the women of leicester. what a wonderous surprise and honour! it all happens on the 19th November so will keep you updated on the results but if you would like more info or would like to buy tickets to the ceremony please visit the

now on to a few places you gorgeous people can come find me and my lovely wonders...
the winter food festival down at leicester market on 21st november
the guildhall christmas craft fair on the 27th & 28th November (see left)
what else has been going on mmm..... ive been making some new work with my good friend stuart. fingers crossed they turn out, they will be lenticular humourous pieces. also been working on one of my photographs to make it 3D all off which should be ready for the above sales!
speaking of sales my studio is now open for consultations, commisions, private views or just a friendly chat over a nice cup of tea or glass of wine hehe so if you would be interested in a visit please don't hesitate to get in touch mail@lozatkinson.co.uk so as well as the
online shop you can come and get a more hands on experience. already had a few visitors who seemed to have had a wale of a time so you don't want to miss out!
more exciting news
- went to the opening of Damien Hirst - Print Maker at the bowes museum in barnard castle and seemed to have caused quite the stir with my turquoise but what an amazing show of some previously unexhibited work, definitely worth a visit.
- the 'one and other' book which accompanies Antony Gormley's fourth plinth project from last summer, came out last month so having been plinther 1926 i rushed and got a copy. what a marvelous book would look great on any ones coffee table
- last month went to the opening of the Gerhard Richter exhibition at the new walk museum here in leicester. please make time to go to this - what a fanciful thing to have such a great artists work in leicester and for free! so no excuses! just on a giddy stupid note i met Sir Nicolas Serota while there so that should give you an idea of how important this exhibition is FYI hes the director of the tate so go see it!
- the lovely Chris and Lisa came to visit and chose a work for the charity auction that will take place during the ball they have been organising. with all the proceeds going to LOROS a local hospice helping terminally ill patients and their families. so lots of luck to them and hope they raise loads for such a great cause - will update you all on how they do when i know!
as i'm sure your eyes are tired by now and i think i've let you know all that's been going down in the world of loz i'll be off.
wont leave the next post as long so your eyes won't get mad next time kisses for now xx